“Dans la vie parfois tu gagne, et parfois t’apprend”

Copyright SPICECOACH:Anil Abhimanyu Sharma
“Dans la vie parfois tu gagne, et parfois t’apprend”

“In Life, sometimes you Win, sometimes You Learn”

And often you learn more from a Loss than from a victory. So the french football team was eliminated from the World Cup in Brazil. Loss accompanies disappointment. Failure brings in the dark clouds of self doubts. I prefer to look at the silver lining and imagining the blue sky beyond the visible. The hot scorching sun sharing its warmth for those who  wish. For the young talented but lacking in experience french team I can only say “Le Soleil est en Nous”. Prepare for Euro 2016 in France and maybe  we will see shades Bleu, Blanc, Rouge from 1998!

° “What contact sport do you have in India?” Cyrille, the manager of my gym asks after a long exchange on Sport in general and the real motivation for people to come. We do not really have a ‘contact sport’ in India. Indian wrestling is probably the best example I could give but it has nothing to do with ‘contact’. It is all about the flow of energy. Kalaripayat is the mother of All Martial arts. It is still an Art form rather than a competitive sport. It is All about Energy – yours first and secondly the opponent’s. It was created as an art of self defense against the animals in India – tigers, cheetahs, wild boars, elephants, snakes…about five thousand years ago. Once you master the flow of your own energy you can come in contact with the animal’s energy. There has to be no contact. It is all about avoiding that contact. To let it flow beyond you until the animal tires himself  out and then finds his path of peace. I know it sounds very easy but that’s exactly how we can work with people with whom we are in conflict… Go with the flow, it is the call of Nature 🙂

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