Phase Two



Almost 3 weeks later I have decided to structure this blog a bit more. All structural changes require time to think, to design, to acquire content and finally to implement. You could call it the Transition Template. There are hundreds and thousands of “Coaches” out there. From the lady who will help you sort out your daily chores because you are an overworked mother with 3 kids or because you are a successful business tycoon who just needs a mirror to check his image into for a few expensive minutes with the help of his Coach. So a couple of basic questions to ask are “Who are you?” and “Who Am I … To You?”

Who am I speaking with in this blog? Male? Female? Young? Old? White? Black? Brown? Yellow? Tall? Thin? Rich? Busy? Friend? Enemy… 😉 What language & tone do I use? Personal? Professional? Friendly? I would love to ask you questions about yourselves but would ou be kind enough to answer? So in the meanwhile I will tell you a bit about myself.

I have a dream! I know it is not an original line but it works because it is True. In fact I have many dreams. Let’s start at the Top – the Ultimate Dream for me is to work away your Fears, Anxiety & Stress. To replace them with Ambition, Motivation & Happiness. I do not have the talent to learn all your skills in your job but I could help you fine tune that Professional who’s just waiting to express his/her true Self. One of the ways of doing that is by telling me Where do you come from? Where are you standing Today? and lastly Where would you like to be in the next 6 – 12 – 24 months?

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